segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2008

Últimos Acontecimentos

Lichinga - Moçambique: dia 15 de Setembro de 2007 – na ocasião da festa da Nossa Senhora das Dores a Irmã Maria Francelina celebrou as Bodas de Prata da Vida Religiosa.

Matola - Moçambique: 27 de Novembro de 2007 – frei Manolo celebrou também as Bodas de Prata da Ordenação Sacerdotal.

Lhuti –Suazilândia: dia 08 de Dezembro de 2007 – primeira profissão religiosa das irmãs Gabsile Mavimbela e Sonto Mahazula.

Matola: 19 de Janeiro de 2008 – promessa de sete (7) membros de fraternidade São Peregrino.
26 de Janeiro de 2008 – primeira profissão religiosa do frei António Maria Raul Sitoe; Bênção da casa dos frades ( convento Santa Maria dos Servos).

Xai-Xai – Moçambique: dia 16 de Fevereiro 2008 - a irmã Maria – entrou no noviciado
Dia 17 de Fevereiro – na solenidade dos Sete Santos Fundadores; - primeira profissão religiosa das irmãs Maria Albertina; Maria Ornélia; Maria Amália e Maria Nilza.

domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2008



Brief History
The Contemplative Community of the Servants of Mary in Nampula, in the northern part of Mozambique, started with five sisters from the Monastry of Our Lady of Sorrows in Madrid Spain) in 1983. It is dedicated to Our Lady – Mother of God. Living the real adventures of independence, with the Marxist revolution, religious persecution,… we helped in the formation of Christian communities which were dispersed and praying under the trees because they were not allowed neither to build chapels nor to pray.

We experienced the civil war with various armed attacks loosing our goods but not our lives. In 1978 the young girls started to approach and join us in order to know and our life and charisma. At the present moment we are 25 nuns: four Spanish and 21 Mozambicans, 16 nuns with solemn vows and 9 with temporary vows; five postulants and thirteen aspirants.

Our daily life is within the prayers – liturgical celebrations about 5, 30 hours per day and in manual work in the fields (garden) and creation of animals for our auto-subsistence. We have got an accommodation house for those who come for spiritual reflexions or retreats. The monastry is more frequented on Sundays by different groups of people from the parishes who come to spend the day praying. Sometimes one of the nuns directs the retreat. And also directs the Diocese or congregational retreat.
Since the Marian Year began the first Fraternity of OSSM with about 100 members dedicated to Our Lady the Mother of God. Later on came the second fraternity dedicated to the Seven Holy Founders.
From the civil war upto now we receive and accommodate orphans from the age of two months. There is a secular woman who takes care of these children in full time and some young girls who come to help her and then go to school. At the present moment there are 52 children.
In 1995 five nuns went Lichinga to start another Monastic Community dedicated to our Lady of Sorrows. At the moment they are 8 nuns and a group of aspirants. In 2006 left other group of five solemn vows to start another monastic community in Chokwe - Xai-Xai Diocese. They are still looking for an appropriate place to build their Monastry.

About the triple seven, it would be beautiful to be celebrated in Nampula.


We are a monastic community of Servants of Mary. We are in Lichinga diocese in Niassa Province. It was founded in May 1995. we are seven Monks: five with solemn vows, two temporary vows and ten aspirants who are still studying. We are a contemplative presence in the diocese. Our doors are opened to those who wish to pray and have spiritual growth like retreat or recollection, pilgrimage.
Apart from this we receive the poor people who come to ask for help.
We also have girls with no possibilities to undergo life situation. In this work we are supported with the local OSSM; one of them stays full time with the children; while others just come to do some works and go back to their houses; that is, they come to give human and catechetical formation.
We also have a young girl among the laity who gives classes to the children and help the old ones in their studies.

About the Triple seven we suggest that it be held in Nampula where came for the first time the presence of Servites in Mozambique.



Overview history of Sisters of Xai-Xai

Around Chicumbane’s Village, Xai-Xai Diocese, in Mozambique, among the Changana and Chope people, there is a flame burning for 24 years. This flame is called Servant Sisters of Blessed Virgin Mary of Cenacle and doesn’t want to get rid of this name. It was given by God the Charismas in the Church for the Church to pray and work for priesthood and religious vocations growth and holiness.

….that maintains burning is the unity and communion with God through His Divine Word, daily liturgy, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the Spirituality of the Order of Servants of Mary since the first days of its origin. In August 15th 1983, the Bishop of Xai-Xai (Dom Jùlio Duarte Langa) received the Vows of the first members (sisters) and authorized to manifest our charismas among the faithful of the whole parish of St. Claire of Assis of Chicumbani: Sister Matilde Fafitine Nhabanga, (already dead) from Novela- Zongoene and Sister Alda U. Boa Macuacua, from Chongoene – Xai-Xai.

For the time being we are nine (9) sisters: six with solemn vows and three with temporary vows; with fours novices who will be taking their first vows in the beginning of 2008 and three postulants. We are dived into three communities; Mother House (St. Mary of Cenacle); Novitiate House (Seven Holy Founders) and Our Lady of Sorrows Hose.

We experienced various and different proofs/tests provoked by civil war and natural disasters like floods and so on.
Because we chose to live among the suffering people, we became part of them helping as possible as we can. We receive orphan and abandoned elders. In 2000 we built a pre - school for children and in 2004 a secondary school from grade 8 to 12.
We collaborate with the local clergy in the consolidation of Christian life and in formation laity in different ministries of the Mother Church.
We end up with our brief identification asking all of you to pray for us so that we may able to do the Will of God.
About the triple 7 we would like to be held in Nampula


Brief History

This group started in 1993, when Mrs Vilanculo, Lameca, wanted to spend her holidays in a quiet place, where she could talk and pray to God. Therefore, she asked Fr. Jose Correcher to allow her to use one of the sacristy of the parish. By the time, Fr. Franco came to visit Mozambique and was preparing to go to visit the Cenacle sisters in Xai-Xai. Therefore, Fr. Jose told her to go with him to Xai-Xai so that she could fulfil her will to pray. There she met sister Alda for the first time. She was very impressed with the prayers of the liturgy of the hours.

When she came back to Matola, she told fr. Jose everything and asked him to continue to teach her to pray with the Divine Office. He asked her to get a group of people so that she can pray together with the group. She got a group of seven members (five women and two men). From there the group started. Now the fraternity has got 18 professed, 9 novices and some candidates.

What are they doing?
The fraternity has different activities in different ministries and movements of the local parish and some of them are members of the parish council. They celebrate the feasts of the Saints of the Order together with the friars. Some of them are very interested and very active in spiritual and human formation and prayer. These ones joy the friars for Marian Memory on Fridays afternoon and they are eager to learn and get more experience in prayer and Servite life.
About the Triple Seven they also suggest to be held in Nampula.



Brief History

In 1995 Fr Jose Correcher OSM, visited the servant sisters of our Lady the Mother of Cenacle with a women called Lameca Vilanculos who was going to have retreat for a week. She had an opportunity to meet a group of women from the local parish who use to go to Cenacle for Bible reflections.
Lameca shared with them her vocational experience with the OSM. Then, the group started to show the interest in knowing more about the servite life.
Then, sister Alda who was accompanying the group started to show them the way how to know batter the life secular order.
By the end of 1995, 8 members showed the willing and the skill to follow Christ in the secular order fraternity. Since then it began the OSSM in Xai-Xai, with 7 women and one man.
This group was presented to D. Julio Duarte Langa, the former Bishop of Xai-Xai. He approved the ideia and with his blessing on the 6th August 1996, was admitted the first group. Fr. Honorio Mª Martinez, was there representing the order.
The members of Secular order help the sisters in their humble duty like taking care of the orphanage, the abandoned old people; visit the hospital and the prison.
After three yeas of formation, on the January 1999 the first group made the first profession.
This group usually meets once a week for reflection and prayers. Moreover, have monthly retreat.
They all participate in the UNIFAS programme.
The group asks to help them with prayer books and the rule of the OSSM.
Actually there are 23 professed members, 13 novices and 33 candidates.

sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2008

Irmã Juliana fala do Mosteiro Mater Dei -Nampula

A Comunidade contemplativa, Servas de S. Maria em Nampula, norte de Moçambique, nasceu com 5 Irmãs, vindas do Mosteiro de N. Sra. das Dores em Madrid, Espanha, em 1973. Esta dedicado a Santa Maria Mater Dei—Ame Awe Muluku.

Vivemos intensamente as aventuras próprias da Independência, com a revolução marxista, perseguição religiosa etc. Ajudamos a formação de comunidades cristas com os cristãos dispersos, que rezavam debaixo das árvores pois estavam proibidos de construir capelas. experimentamos a guerra civil com vários ataques armados, perdendo os bens mas não a vida G.A.D.

Desde 1978 houve jovens que se aproximaram para conhecer a nossa vida. Neste momento somos 25 Irmãs, das quais 4 espanholas e o resto moçambicanas, 16 de Votos Solenes, 5 postulantes e 13 aspirantes.

Nossa vida diária decorre na Oração celebração Litúrgica,(umas 5,30 horas por dia) no trabalho manual, do campo e criação de animais para sobrevivência.

Temos casa de acolhida para retiros espirituais ou de reflexão pessoal ou de grupos. O Mosteiro é particularmente frequentado nos domingos por grupos das paróquias que passam o dia em oração. Algumas vezes, uma ou outra Irmã, orienta os retiros, também têm orientado algum retiro anual para a Diocese, ou congregações.

Desde o Ano Mariano nasceu a 1ª fraternidade da OSSM dedicada a Santa Maria Ame awe Muluku e posteriormente uma segunda dedicada aos 7 Santos.,

A partir da guerra civil acolhemos muitas crianças órfãs, desde bebés . A tempo pleno é uma Serva da OSSM e outras jovens que ajudam e estudam, sendo elas também pobres. Neste momento são 52 nos ajudam com a Providência e adopções.

No ano 1995 partiram cinco Irmãs para iniciar um novo Mosteiro em Lichinga—Moçambique Está dedicado a Nossa Sra. das Dores MATER DOLOROSA….Neste momento são 8 e um grupo de aspirantes, tendo já acabado a construção do Mosteiro material.

No ano 2006 partiram de novo mais 5 Irmãs de votos solenes para a província de Xai-Xai onde estão hospedadas numa missão esperando o encontrar um lugar apropriado para iniciar a construção do seu ninho.

Todo para a glória de DEUS E Nossa Sra. MAE MARIA

A pergunta sobre os 777 anos, claro que seria bonito celebrarmos aqui em Nampula ……Um pouca mais de incomodo mas conheceriam outro lugar…